SwitchLinc finally installed properly!

As mentioned here the SwitchLinc install in the dining room needs fixing. This evening I did this, and finally managed to fish the new switch loop through the wall. I removed the old wire completely and ran the new wire through the ceiling box. Now the dining room light switch has line, neutral and load wires running into it from the ceiling box.

With the wire connected, I was able to unlink and remove the InLineLinc from the ceiling box. I am also more comfortable with adding more load as the high wattage SwitchLinc is rated to 1000W, I had to break two of the tabs found on the switch mounting off as it would not fit in the switch box next to the other SwitchLinc this will derate the device to 800W, or 44W per bulb. Ideally I will be adding in dimmable CFL or LED bulbs and steering well clear of this theoretical maximum. This chandelier has the dubious benefit of being able to generate more heat than the air conditioner can remove when there are 18 40W bulbs installed.
