
Anthony Toft On-line

Please note, the views within these pages aren't necesarily the views of my employer

Never eat yellow snow

Those regular visitors might notice a layout change, well, you're right, I have changed the layout of my site significantly. I have moved to a CMS called Drupal in the hopes that as the site is now easier to maintain, I might keep it more up to date.

This site is about my many projects, both small and large. You can find links to the various things on the left, or you can send me an email about something if you'd like me to go into a bit more depth, or if you just want to chew the fat.

To see what everyone else in my family is doing, here is a link to my Dad's page or you can try my "Toft family site" here it will probably be the next site to get this treatment.

Here is a link to my place of work Highwinds where I am a software engineer.